Monday, September 2, 2013

What is nothing

What is nothing? This is an extremely extremely difficult question to answer. Wherever we look - there is always something there. As hard as we try it’s almost impossible to imagine true nothingness. But, the universe we live in is mostly composed of nothing. Even the atoms that make up our bodies comprise mostly of emptiness.

A large part of how we know ourselves is in relationship to the places we inhabit and the way in which we inhabit them and relate to those objects about us.  We shape our homes and places of work.  When we change them - move to another town - remodel - empty out - our lives change.

The spaces we inhabit and each thing within them hold our extended sense of self.  But we not only shape our spaces, our spaces shape us and influence our sense of who we are.  We live in relationship with the spaces we create.  All relationships are by definition two-sided and provide a forum within which we come to know and direct ourselves.

Also, we tend to conceive spaces differently from each other depending on the functions they serve.  The space of the body subserves proprioception and action; it is divided by body parts, with perceptually salient and functionally significant parts more accessible than others.  The space around the body subserves immediate perception and action; it is conceived of in three dimensions in terms of relations of objects to the six sides of the body, front/back, head/feet, left/right - the space of external representations, of pictures, maps, charts, and diagrams, serves as cognitive aids to memory and information processing.

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